Middle East peace initiative [Roadmap]

Abe's Middle East diplomacy debut, the painful lesson

Middle East peace initiative [Roadmap] [Tehran] Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who visited Iran in the year the first time as prime minister of Japan. It was aiming to become the United States and Iran of the bridge, but such confrontation between the two countries is increasing more instability, debut as a mediator in the Middle East peace ended in severe consequences. Mr. Abe is the day, visit Iran, which has built a Japanese and a good relationship. But by the time the return to Tokyo in the day, Japan's tanker ship was in flames under attack in the Gulf of Oman. Maikuponpeo US Secretary of State while denouncing Iran as [unreasonable hostilities to a country where freedom-loving], supreme leader Arihamenei nurses of Iran is there a dialogue with the United States ...